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Indonesia I´m coming..

after South Africa I will leave to Jakarta. flight booked.

Indonesia looks really fascinating and is huge. At the beginning I thought I would stay there for a week, but looking at the beauties that are there, a year is not enough. Clearly I don't have that much time but I decided to stay at least 3 weeks. I arrive on August 14th, unfortunately when there is still high season (many Europeans on holiday especially in Bali) but it is waning towards the end of the month. As usual I informed myself only the bare minimum. Visa upon entry for 3 months with payment of 500,000 IDR (around €30) and passport valid for at least 6 months from the day of arrival, furthermore you must have a flight out of the country to receive the visa. The fact of having an outgoing flight forces me to book all flights, except internal ones.

This rule also applies to Malaysia and Thailand which will be the next stops.

In New Zealand the same rule exists but the visa must be obtained before arriving. Very simple, just download the app and it's done in 3 minutes, it's valid for 3 years and you can stay for a maximum of 3 consecutive months.

I bought a small 24l backpack to carry always with me, then I started to see what to bring with me. Since I'm not very big and I don't want to burden myself with the world, I'll make a minimal list. The large backpack is 34l. I don't want to carry more so it will be hard. Then I'll update you.

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